Monday, December 3, 2012

Ma Bizznizz

Two posts in one day! Incredible, I know! I just had to share this wit you guys!

Now, you guys may or may not know that I've been searching for a business to design and market for. I needed one by last Friday and it was starting to look like I wouldn't find one in time. My teacher, thankfully, had one for me. Our high school library has projects every year for us to work on, and I went down and talked o the librarian about it. She hasn't given me all the info yet because she's not heard back from the marketing company she's getting everything from, but it's looking like I'll be designing something for the new E-books we'll be getting in the library soon. I'm super excited, though I don't often use E-books myself. She said something about a really good Blog Post (Ironic I know), and maybe an online flyer or pamphlet. So things are looking up.

Also, I've got super awesome AMAZING news! Another guy I'll be working with has contacted me back. He owns a Deli with his sixteen kids. (Crazy I know!), and due to health reasons he said to contact him about the potential project after the holidays. So I've got that in the works too! Happy day!

Anyways, that's about it for the business end of things. I'm seriously worn out today. I worked all weekend at a Chrstmas Tree Farm hauling trees and shaking and bailing them. (Shaking the dead needles out and putting them into netting). So yeah, every part of my body hurts right about now, but I feel great. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

I'ma hop off here for today and I'll catch you cats on the wild side! Ba-bye!

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