Thursday, September 27, 2012

Adventures in Design and Marketing With Renee

Hi guys! The title must say it all, but some of you might be squinting at your screens right now. "What is this crazy person talking about?!", "Why am I reading this?" Don't worry, I know what I'm doing and I'm going to tell you...eventually.

This is my blog, it's about graphing, design, and marketing. These things you know by now. What you probably didn't realize was that I'm actually doing this for a class! Crazy, I know! I'm super excited about it and I absolutely love it. We do so much! I'm getting along really well with the other people in my class, which soothes at least ONE fear I had coming into it. What a relief! Now I can be nervous about the upcoming projects!!

Let me lay it all out for you if you're still confused...because I didn't understand all of it at first either, really. In this class we will learn the ins and outs of marketing and design. We will work first on projects to get us used to the flow of it, and eventually we'll have three to four or more projects going on at once (that's a really scary thought actually). From what I understand, it'll be everything from business cards, posters, and packaging, to commercials, advetisements, and other things. To me, this is going to be a huge leap in my (hopefully bright) career! For the most part, I'm getting the hang of it. We've already made our own unique business cards. How cool is that?! Mine looks super retro.

Besides business cards, thank you cards-on and on and whatnot-we'll be focusing on marketing and the different techniques a company or business will use to sell a product or service to potential clients. Maybe later I'll get to market something of my own or market for someon else. It's an interesting idea.

What I'm really looking forward to, though, is working outside the class. Later in the year, I'll get to work with individual businesses to design or help market something! That makes me so nervous, but I'm trucking along nicely. I know the marketing and design world is a tough battle field in an economy like this. I'm hoping the jobs will still be in demand by the time I get into it. I may even be paid! (That's an exciting incentive because I'm broke *cough cough*)

Alright, now that you've gotten the gist of it, I really want to tell you something! ... Wait for it, wait for it~... I get to go to New York! Again, to a poor person, this is amazing. It'll be later in the year, and we'll get to visit a few big design firms in that general area... The only downer is that the people AROUND me are broke too, so fundraising is...interesting, to say the least. Being in the big city will be another nervous fit, but I'll deal with that when it comes. Anyways, be looking for more updates.

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